厦门大学法律评论 Xiamen University Law Review |
201504 (25期)期所有篇 |
- 調判關係理論糾葛七十年——調判關係學術研究情況分析報告 Seventy-year Entanglement between Mediation and Judgment: An Analysis Report on the Academic Research of Relationship between Mediation and Judgment
- “被湮沒的少數派”:合議制的可能真相——基於250宗訴訟副卷的統計與觀察 'The Neglected Minority': A Possible Reality of Collegial System's in Today's China - Based on 250 Litigation Appendix Files
- 營業轉讓後的債務歸屬與企業維持原則——基於德、日商法理論與實務發展的反思 The Debt Assignment after the Enterprise Transfer and the Principle of Continuation of the Enterprise - Based on the Rethink of the Development of the Theory and Practices of Commercial Law Code in Germany and Japan
- 國際刑事法院:發展、挑戰與未來 The International Criminal Court: New Development, Challenges and Its Future
- 國際法上的歷史沉船之所有權衝突——以保護水下文化遺產為視角 The Ownership of Historic Shipwrecks in International Law - See from the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage
- 分配正義視野下的量能課稅——一種稅收理想的破繭新生 On Ability to pay Principle From the Perspective of Distribution Justice
- 不作為犯歸責的整體性思考 An Integrate Thinking of Negative Crime's Imputation
- 個人破產法律規則的臺灣生成——問題、徑路、變革與啟示 The Building of the Legal Institutions of Personal Insolvency in Taiwan Region - Questions, Path, Revolution and Enlightenment
- 論物權登記錯誤的訴訟救濟模式——行政訴訟受案範圍泛化的冷思考 On the Mode of Litigable Relief for the Property Registration Errors - Pondering upon the generalizing scope of accepting administrative cases
- 臺灣地區鄉鎮市調解與祖國大陸人民調解之比較研究 A Comparison on Mediation Between Region Taiwan and Mainland China
- 兩岸營建工程轉包與分包制度比較——兼評大陸的一個相關案件判決 Comparison of Turn contracting and Subcontracting of Construction in Cross strait - Focus on Judgment of Mainland China
- 論“民意審判”與司法的主體性危機 On the 'Public Trial' and the Judicial Subjectivity Crisis
- 法哲學緒論 Prefatory Lectures on the Philosophy of Law
- 羅馬共和國早期“訴”與實體法的形成 LegalActions and the Development of Substantive Law in the Early Roman Republic
- 法律的合憲性審查與共和國單一性的維持 The Constitutional Review of Laws and the Preservation of the Unitary Character of the Republic