法学家 Jurists Review |
201802 (2018:1期)期所有篇 |
- 中國法律權力的聯邦制實踐--以勞動合同法領域為例 The Practice of Federalism in Chinese Legal System: An Empirical Study on Labor Contract Law
- 承包型法治:理解“地方法治”的新視角 Contracted Managerial Rule of Law: Understanding 'Local Rule of Law' from a New Perspective
- 論基本權利競合 On Concurrence of Fundamental Rights
- 論反不正當競爭的基本範式 On the Fundamental Paradigm of Anti-unfair Competition Law
- 再論訴訟實施權的基本界定 On the Basic Definition of the Right to Sue or Be Sued
- 中國反壟斷執法機構間的競爭--行為模式、執法效果與剛性權威的克服 Competition between China's Antimonopoly Law Authorities: Conduct Model, Performence of Enforcement and Prevention of Rigid Authoritativeness
- 法國法社會學的發展與轉型--兼議中國語境下的法學研究範式之爭 The Development and Transformation of French Legal Sociology : A Reference to the Paradigm Disputes of Legal Studies in China
- 准合同與債法總則的設立 Construction of Quasi-contracts and General Provisions of Obligations
- 論抵押權的追及效力及其緩和--兼論《物權法》第191條的制度邏輯和修正 On the Trace Effect of a Hypotheca and its Mitigation
- 檢察機關內部機構及功能設置研究 Institutional Setup and Functions in Procuratorates
- 法律推定的故意傷害罪、故意殺人罪研究--以聚眾鬥毆致人重傷、死亡為焦點 A Study on Crime of Intentional Injury and Crime of Intentional Homicide Inferred by Law-Focus on Bad Injuries and Death Caused by Fight Together
- 刑事速裁程序試點研究報告--基於18個試點城市的調查問卷分析 The Research Report on the Pilot Project of Criminal Fast-track Sentencing Process: The Analysis on the Questionnaire from 18 Pilot Cities
- 《合同法》第42條(締約過失責任)評註 Comments on Article 42 (Culpa in Contrahendo) of Contract Law