法学家 Jurists Review |
201712 (2017:6期)期所有篇 |
- 權利認定的利益判准 The Interest-based Test of Recognition of Rights
- 地方立法適用中的上位法依賴與實用性考量 Upper Laws Dependence and Practicability Consideration
- 論法律行為對處分的限制──歷史闡釋與適用範圍的教義學反思 On the Limit of Disposition through legal Action: the Perspective of History and the Restructure of the Application Scope
- 沉默在民商事交往中的意義──私人自治的多層次平衡 The Meaning of Silence in Civil and Commercial Interactions: Multi-level Balance of Private Autonomy
- 網絡空間中犯罪預備行為的制裁思路與體系完善──截至《刑法修正案(九)》的網絡預備行為規制體系的反思 The Sanction System of the Criminal Preparation in the Network Space and the the Ways to Improve It–The Reflection on the Regulation System of Cybercrime Preparation up to 'Amendment VI to the Criminal Law'
- “矜弱”的邏輯:清代兒童致斃人命案的法律譜系 Compassion for the Weak': Juvenile Offenders in the Qing Dynasty Legal System
- “行人非法進入高速公路”視域下經營者民事責任研究 Study on the Civil Liability of Operators Under the Vision of 'Pedestrian Illegally Entering the Expressway'
- 證據裁判視角下刑事錯案的生成與防治 Analysis on Prevention of Criminal Misjudged Cases from the Perspective of Evidence-governing Principle
- 論確認之訴的程序價值 Research on the Procedural Value of Declaratory Action
- 國際經貿投資規則對履行要求的規制 Regulation of Performance Requirementsin the context of International Trade and Investment Treaties
- 中立的幫助行為與客觀歸責理論 Neutral Help Behavior and Objective Imputation Theory
- 版權法上的審美判斷 Aesthetic Determinations in Copyright Law
- 《合同法》第49條(表見代理規則)評注 Commentary to Article 49 of Contract Law