法学家 Jurists Review |
201704 (2017:2期)期所有篇 |
- 錯案是如何生產的?--基於61起刑事錯案的認知心理學分析 How Criminal Misjudged Cases Be Produced?-- Based on the Cognitive Psychological Analysis of Sixty-one Criminal Misjudged Cases
- 均衡性原則的具體化 On the Concretization of Proportionality in the Narrower Sense
- 商業性強制保險制度的合憲性分析 Interpretation of Constitutionality on the Compulsory Commercial Insurance System
- 不動產登記簿的權利事項錯誤與不動產善意取得 Errors of Rights Issues of Real Estate Register and Acquisition of Real Estate in Good Faith
- 勞動合同的自治與規制--以“違反強制性規定的勞動合同”為中心 The Autonomy and Regulation of Labor Contract: Focus on the Labor Contracts Violating the Compulsory Provisions
- 從單一正犯視角看賄賂罪中的共同犯罪疑難問題 Consider the Difficulties of Joint Crime in Bribery from the Perspective of Unitary Principal Offender
- 教唆故意的基本構造及具體展開 Basic Structure and Concrete Expansion of Instigation Intention
- 專利申請人現有技術披露義務研究 On Patent Applicant's Duty to Disclose Prior Arts
- 關於住宅建設用地使用權“自動續期”的思考 On the Automatic Renewal of Residential Construction Land Tenure
- 不予再審“管轄錯誤”後遺留問題研究 The Remaining Problems of Denying to Retry 'Jurisdictional Mistakes'
- 生產、銷售假藥行為刑事違法性之評估 The Evaluation of Criminal Illegality for the Behavior of the Production and Sale of Counterfeit Drugs
- 法院不予執行公證債權文書的原因及其救濟 The Reasons Why Courts Do Not Enforce Notarial Debt Instruments and the Remedies for Them
- 《合同法》第66條(同時履行抗辯權)評注 Commentary to Article 66 of Contract Law