201207 (105期)期所有篇 |
- 中台灣人權議題研討會序言 Foreword of Central Taiwan Human Rights Forum
- 中台灣沿海地區居住人權之探討~以地層下陷造成的居住品質及財產保障問題為核心 Review on right to housing in coastal central Taiwan : focusing on issues of housing quality and property security caused by land subsidence
- 中台灣社福機構弱勢居住人權之微觀~以身心障礙福利機構評鑑結果為丙等之探討 A microscope of the vulnerable habitation rights of the welfare agencies in Central Taiwan–a discussion to the C grade given on the disability agencies in an evaluation
- 都市更新條例與中台灣居住人權《從士林文林苑都市更新爭議案談起》 The urban renewal acts and habilitation rights in Central Taiwan
- 撥弄最高法院天平有理嗎? Is it rational to fiddle the balance of the Supreme Court?
- 法庭正義自槓桿平衡始 The justice in the court starts from the balance
- 檢察官靜坐有道理嗎? Does the sit-in of the prosecutors make sense?
- 檢察官們在吵什麼 What are the prosecutors arguing for?
- 兩岸文化交流核心在於價值觀磨合 Cross strait cultural exchange relies on the running in of values
- 地方政府落實兩公約之取徑舉隅 approaches and instances of local governments' implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights
- 「娛樂事業法律制度初探座談會」紀實 Record of the 'Exploring legal system for entertaining industries' forum
- 《九二共識與兩岸人權交流》座談精華摘拾 Summary of the “1992 Census and cross-strait human rights exchange” forum
- 「六二○世界難民日」午餐座談會活動紀實 TOPS events:World Refugee Day Luncheon