200801 (53期)期所有篇 |
- 日本、韓國國立大學法人化對我國立法之啟示 The Enlightenment of Incorporation of National Universities in Japan and South Korea for Our Country’s Legislation
- 行政法人與政署之制度選擇 Institutional Choice between Agency and Administrative Body
- 由學術自主論公立大學行政法人化之可行性 From Academic Autonomy to Discussing the Corporate Feasibility of Public Universities
- 效率、課責、政治與法人治理:建置行政法人制度的四項思考 Efficiency, Accountability, Politics and Corporate Governance: The four Reflections on Developing Administrative Corporation Institutions
- 政府契約用人制度變革之研析 Study on Reform of Government Policy of Contracted Personnel
- 歐盟公私合夥政策之分析 A Study of Public Private Partnerships in the Europe Commission
- 我國卸任國家元首禮遇法制之演變及相關問題探討 The Development and Research on Legislation of Courtesy of Former Presidents and Vice Presidents