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政府契約用人制度變革之研析   全文下載 全文下載
Study on Reform of Government Policy of Contracted Personnel
作者 蔡良文
The contracted personnel system is constituted for flexible personnel adjustment. With this system, within the scope of the public law, the government contracts with people for executing public affairs. To make public affairs implemented smoothly, duties and responsibilities as well as the management and a careful selection for contracted people should be different from those of the permanent staff.
When one looks into related theories about reinventing government, one will know that not only governmental structure and operation but also the civil service and employment system should be modified as a whole. The core value of creating a flexible employment system for the government is to fulfill the democratic politics and enhance the governance capacity. According to the strategic human resource management by Lepark and Snell, the posts, except for high-value and unique human resources and those to be trained for long, can be arranged more flexibly. In Taiwan, such flexible system can be categorized into 6-temporary limited employees, contract-based employees, confidential employees, auxiliary-based employees, appointed employees, acting for the other position, each of which, except for appointed employees, is regulated by its appropriate laws and regulations in accordance its purposes. When taking into account of constitution-regulated appointment via examination and institutionalization, this study focuses on discussions and suggestions on legislation and mechanism of the contracted personnel policy.
起訖頁 63-94
關鍵詞 策略性人力資源管理人力運用契約性人力制度民主治理國家競爭力human resource management strategyhuman resource applicationcontracted personnel systemdemocratic governancecompetitiveness of nation
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200801 (53期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 效率、課責、政治與法人治理:建置行政法人制度的四項思考
該期刊-下一篇 歐盟公私合夥政策之分析




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