文史臺灣學報 Taiwan Studies in Literature and History |
201712 (11期)期所有篇 |
- 王白淵與日本大正詩壇的交會——論《荊棘之道》詩作對於野口米次郎文學的接受 Wang BaiYuan's poems of the Ibaranomichi and its acceptance of Yonejirou Noguchi's literature
- 山的那邊:論「橋」副刊的新詩 Over the Mountain: New Poetry in 'Bridge' Supplement
- 1950年代台港兩種「現代」的開端:以《現代詩》與《文藝新潮》為觀察對象 The Beginning of Two 'Modern' in Taiwan and Hong Kong in the 1950's: A Study of 'The Modernist Poetry' and 'New Tides of Literature and Arts'
- 意象中國:1970年代戰後第一世代詩人的國族符號建構 The Image of China: Construction of National Symbols of Postwar Poets of the First Generation in the 1970's
- 楊牧、楊澤與羅智成詩中的現代抒情風貌 "The Modern Lyric Style in Contemporary Poetry of Yang Mu, Yang Ze and Luo Zhicheng"
- 「反諷」詩學的探討──兼以陳黎的詩作為例 Exploring the Poetics of Irony: Chen-Li's Poetry as a Case Study
- 生命追尋與島嶼凝視:羅葉詩創作歷程及文本分析 Pursuit of life and Gaze of the Island: Lo Yeh's Poetry Creative Process and Text Analysis
- 癮、欺騙、宰制──論李喬《V與身體》醫學話語的政治隱喻 "Addiction, Deception, Domination: On the Political Metaphor of Medical Discourse from Lee Chou's Novel 'V and the Body'"
- 請(勿)入座:李昂「情書系列」的符號遊戲 "Please (Don't) Take It Personally: Li Ang's Games of Symbols in 'Love Letters' Series Tai, Hua-Hsuan"
- 眷村再現的困境:從新竹市眷村博物館談起 Dilemmas of the Representation of Military Dependents' Villages: Initiated from Hsinchu City Military Dependents' Villages Museum
- 台灣在戒嚴時期國民黨與地方派系的互動──以二林鎮地方派系的發展與選舉為例 The Research on the Interaction between Kuomintang(KMT) and Local Factions during Martial Law Era--A Case Study on the Development and Election of Erlin Township Factions
- 海洋城堡:橫渡太平洋冒險的見證人 Castles of the sea: witnesses of a transpacific adventure Ana Ruiz Gutiérrez