三民主義在臺灣——楊逵主編《一陽週報》的時代意義 The Three Principles of the People in Taiwan: The Significance of Yang Kui's Yi-Yang Weekly
冷戰年代的翻譯介入——「新潮文庫」的譯者觀察(1967-1980) "Translation as Intervention in the Age of Cold War: Study on the Translators of New Tide Library, 1967-1980"
解讀台灣讀書市場中的村上春樹與吉本芭娜娜 Reader's Reception of Haruki Murakami and Banana Yoshimoto in Taiwan
台灣文學在法國的現狀 The status of Taiwan Literature in France
殖民地青年的未竟之志——論《福爾摩沙》文學青年巫永福跨時代的文學夢 The Unfulfilled Ambition of a Colony Youth: On the Youth Writer Wu Yongfu in Formosa and His Cross-Generational Literary Dreams
電影中的性別政治?談《月光下,我記得》與〈西蓮〉之母女關係與鄉土想像 Sexual Politics in the Film? : On the Mother-daughter Relationship and Regional Imagination in The Moon Also Rises and 'Xi Lian'
臺灣家屋空間中的儀式性器物——以公媽案桌陳設為例 The Ritual Items of Living Space in Taiwan The Arrangement of the Ancestral Altar