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Sexual Politics in the Film? : On the Mother-daughter Relationship and Regional Imagination in The Moon Also Rises and 'Xi Lian'
作者 王鈺婷
"In a collection of serial novels set in Lugang, the short story 'Xi Lian' has been adapted into a film entitled 'The Moon Also Rises' by the Taiwanese director Lin Cheng-sheng in 2005. However, the issue involves not only the media and content differences between the original story and the adapted film, but also the different sexual politics that the female writer and the male director present respectively. The writer Li Ang has openly argued that the similarities and differences between original story and adapted movies lie in the sex issues and plot modifications. Is the film that different from the original as to arouse Li Ang's arguement? Or does the film alternatively offer some insights for discussion by the usage film language than the original? The story 'Xi Lian' focuses on the generational conflict between mother and daughter and their living in Lugang. In Li Ang's novels, she implicates her thoughts of feminine regional imagination and its complex relationship with sex and locality, which also signifies Li Ang's writing career in Lugang. This paper intends to discuss the qualitative changes made in the adapted film by focusing on the mother-daughter relationship and feminine regional imagination as well as to clarify the sexual politics presented by Lin Cheng-sheng in the film. In contrast, the way how interpret Li Ang's descriptive strategy and dialectical thoughts from the prespective of sexual politics in the early 1970s. "
起訖頁 211-244
關鍵詞 《月光下,我記得》〈西蓮〉李昂母女關係女性鄉土想像The Moon Also Rises“Xi Lian” Li Angmother-daughter daughter relationshiprelationshipfeminine regional feminine regional feminine regional imagination imagination imagination
刊名 文史臺灣學報  
期數 201112 (3期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學台灣文化研究所
該期刊-上一篇 殖民地青年的未竟之志——論《福爾摩沙》文學青年巫永福跨時代的文學夢
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣家屋空間中的儀式性器物——以公媽案桌陳設為例




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