台灣教育研究期刊 Journal of Taiwan Education Studies |
202201 (3:1期)期所有篇 |
- 向上提升抑或向下沈淪?談資訊科技對語文教育的衝擊與回應 Up or Down? The Positive and Negative Effects of Information Technology on the Education of Chinese Mandarin Language and Literacy
- 我國私立大專校院退場政策之問題與解決策略之研究 A Study on Issues and Solving Strategies of Withdrawal Policies for Private Colleges and Universities
- 大學治理決策過程與性質的分析 The Process and Character of Decision Making within University Governance
- 跨文化代間學習於大學華語課程之應用模式初探 Analysis of the Intercultural and Intergenerational Model for Developing Intercultural Communicative Competence in Chinese L2 Course
- 日本國立大學法人化政策推動成效及問題分析 The Effect and Problems of National University Corporation Policy in Japan
- 21世紀後越南大學學費制度演變之交易成本分析 An Analysis of Transaction Costs in the Evolution of Vietnam’s Universities Tuition System after the 21st Century
- 課堂出席重要嗎?兩個大學的師生觀點 Does Class Attendance Really Matter? Perspectives of Faculty Members and Students in Two Universities
- 實驗理念、課程轉化與學習表現:以兩所公辦學校型態實驗教育為例 "Experimental Philosophy, Curriculum Transformation and Learning Performance: Two Cases of School-Based Experiment Education"
- 全球化脈絡下我國環境教育課程設計原則與應用之探究 The Exploration of the Principle and Application of Environmental Education Curriculum Design in Taiwan Under the Context of Globalization
- 教學前行:面對疫情、接受遠距、處理互動、放下舊思 "Teaching Toward Distance Learning, Interaction, and New Thinking to Face the Epidemic"
- 國民小學一年級導師實施素養導向教學之研究 Research on Competency-Based Instruction Practicing: A Case Study of an Elementary First Grade Teacher
- 幼兒園施行體能遊戲課程方案之行動研究:以提升幼兒基本動作技能為例 An Action Research on the Implementation of Physical Play Curriculum Program at Preschool: To Improve Children’s Fundamental Movement Abilities
- 芬蘭2016課綱雙語教育政策評析 Review of Bilingual Education Policies in Finnish 2016 New Core Curriculum
- 因材網:教育部人工智慧知識結構分析診斷及適性學習平台之析論 Taiwan Adaptive Learning Platform: An Introduction to Platform Applying Artificial Intelligence to Knowledge Structure Analysis and Diagnosis for Adaptive Learning
- 技術型高級中等學校素養導向教學設計與實踐 Design and Practice of the Competency-Oriented Teaching for Vocational High Schools