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A Study on Issues and Solving Strategies of Withdrawal Policies for Private Colleges and Universities
作者 劉秀曦 (Hsiu-Hsi Liu)成群豪高新建 (Shin-Jiann Gau)黃政傑
"The chaos in school management at private colleges and universities in recent years and some of them even announce withdrawal without warning in Taiwan. The above situation not only seriously affected students’ rights to learn and faculty members’ rights to work, but also made it as an urgent issue that the government and academia have consensus to solve for smoothing the withdrawal process of private colleges and universities that neither have enough number of student enrolment nor good school performances. The research aims to clarify the main reasons that caused private colleges and universities’ withdrawals, and to review the issues and challenges of government’s current withdrawal policies for proposing the improving directions in the future. The research adopts document analysis method, group interviews, and questionnaire survey to collect important data from diverse sources. Finally, the findings of the research are concluded as the following: 1. There are differences in approaches and degrees of government interventions on private colleges and universities’ withdrawals among Taiwan, the United States, Japan and South Korea; 2.It is necessary and urgent to formulate special laws for part of schools with deviations in the running philosophy are waiting for change; 3. The educational authority has established a withdrawal mechanism for private schools, but the schools’ degree of information disclosure needs to be strengthened; 4. Issues, including reemployment of faculty and staff from the withdrawal schools and processing of school assets, have not yet been effectively resolved. "
起訖頁 21-48
關鍵詞 私立大專校院退場政策預警指標private universities and collegeswithdrawal policies, warning indicators
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202201 (3:1期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 向上提升抑或向下沈淪?談資訊科技對語文教育的衝擊與回應
該期刊-下一篇 大學治理決策過程與性質的分析




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