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Research on Competency-Based Instruction Practicing: A Case Study of an Elementary First Grade Teacher
作者 王金國 (Chin-Kuo Wang)吳欣怡 (Wu, Hsin?Yi)
本研究旨在以協同行動研究法探討一位國小一年級導師對素養導向教學的認識與實踐情形,研究目的包括瞭解個案教師對素養導向教學所持的概念、實施素養導向教學的做法、遇到的困難及實施後學生的學習表現。本研究資料蒐集之方法包括:教學觀察、協同反省與討論及文件蒐集,所蒐集之資料經歸納法分析後,主要發現如下:1.個案教師認為素養導向教學設計,要統整化、脈絡化、讓學生實作與操作及提供鷹架;在教學目標上要協助學生培養知識、能力與態度、能力行實踐及能因應未來。2.個案教師進行素養導向教學的做法包括:參酌教師手冊與素養指標、兼顧認知技能與情意、適時跨領域及融入重大議題、連結生活情境及學生經驗、活化教學及提供鷹架。3.、個案教師實施素養導向教學遇到的困難包括:無法精確掌握素養導向教學內涵與做法、教材不見得能與學生經驗連結、成效需時間且不易精確評量、學生表現未如預期與費時、及教學情境影響教學實施。4 實施素養導向教學後,學生更積極參與及更有助於學習及力行實踐。
"The study aimed to explore the understanding and practices of competency-based instruction of an elementary first grade teacher. The collaborative action research was employed. Data was collected by means of observations, collaborative reflection and document analyses, etc. The following results were yielded from the analyses as follows: 1. The case teacher had the following concepts of competency-based instruction includes teacher should integrate, contextualize, enable students to practice and operate, and provide scaffolding for helping students developing knowledge, ability and attitude. 2. The case teacher’s practices in competency-based instruction included: Considering teaching guides and competency indicators, taking cognitive skills and affective domain into account, etc. 3. The difficulties encountered by the case teacher included: The inability to accurately grasp the contents and approaches of competency-based instruction, the teaching materials not being able to connect with students' experiences, etc. 4. After the implementation of competency-based instruction, the observed results included more active participation of students and more conducive to learning and practice in life. "
起訖頁 237-260
關鍵詞 素養素養導向教學教學實踐competencycompetency-based instructionteaching practice
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202201 (3:1期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 教學前行:面對疫情、接受遠距、處理互動、放下舊思
該期刊-下一篇 幼兒園施行體能遊戲課程方案之行動研究:以提升幼兒基本動作技能為例




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