高齡族群靈性支持與生活態度的影響因素分析 The Analysis of Impact Factors about Older People’s Spiritual Support and Life Attitudes
代間學習對實踐終身學習之探討 The Discussion of Intergenerational Learning to the Implementation of Lifelong Learning
再概念化:終身學習與心流體驗的「互文性」分析 Reconceptualization:Intertextuality Analysis of Lifelong Learning and Flow Experience
公務人員終身學習制度的推展與省思 Reflections on the Development of the Lifelong Learning System for Civil Servants
韓國終身教育的推展策略及其對台灣的啟示 The Promotion Strategy of Lifelong Education in Korea and Its Enlightenment to Taiwan
從專業學習社群探討大學教師的學習 To Enhance Teachers’ Learning by Professional Learning Communities in Higher Education
音樂教育在校園霸凌行為防制之應用 On the Application of Music Education for Dealing with School Bulling
偏鄉國小教師專業學習社群實施之研究 Implementation of Professional Learning Communities of Elementary School Teachers in Remote Areas
生涯規劃教育、職業教育與生命教育結合的初探:香港個案為例 "The First Glance of Integration Among Life Planning Education, Vocational Education and Life Education: The Case of Hong Kong"
家校環境對青少年科學素養的多水準影響——基於PISA 2015中國京滬粵蘇四省市資料 A Multi-Level Study: The Influence from the Environment of Family and Schools on Students' Scientific Literacy in China——Based on PISA 2015 Data