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Reflections on the Development of the Lifelong Learning System for Civil Servants
作者 黃于恬
"Civil service manpower drives the planning and implementation of public policies. The competency of civil servants and the stability of the civil service system are therefore important assets to the country and the foundation of its development. However, with the talent attraction challenges in the public sector, it is especially important to put civil servants through further training and development in accordance with the civil service system or in response to people’s expectations or civil servants’ desire for further training. Additionally, the types of training and development and their contents, implications, target groups, and frequency should be planned in accordance with the actual needs in order to achieve synergy between training and development. To improve national competitiveness and implement the government’s civil servant lifelong learning policy, it is important for civil servants to seek self-improvement and enhance service quality and efficiency in the public sector. However, an examination of lifelong learning system for civil servants shows that the relevant regulations should be subject to review and integration. An incentive mechanism should be established to encourage personal development in the civil service so as to enhance work performance and develop a culture of lifelong learning for both individuals and the overall work environment. Finally, the government should regularly reexamine the implementation of lifelong learning policy in the public sector to ensure that the policy aligns with the goal, thus maintaining the quality of the civil service system."
起訖頁 77-93
關鍵詞 公務人員公務人員訓練進修法終身學習civil servantslifelong learning
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202009 (1:5期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 再概念化:終身學習與心流體驗的「互文性」分析
該期刊-下一篇 韓國終身教育的推展策略及其對台灣的啟示




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