中正漢學研究 Chung Cheng Chinese Studies |
201212 (20期)期所有篇 |
- 經典評注對於文化範式轉變的作用 The Influence of Classics Commentary to the Transformation of Cultural Paradigm
- 論清華簡所謂《繁年》的書籍性質 On the Textual Nature of the So-called Chronicle in the Tsing-hua Bamboo Slips
- 王維「輞川莊」與「終南別業」現地研究 An On-site Study of Wang Wei's Wangchan Resort and Zhongnan Villa
- 客家民間故事的類別與型式 Types and Styles of the Hakka Folk Tales
- 元曲雜劇後來的舞臺遺存 The Later Drama Remains of Yuanqu Zaju
- 明代正德、嘉靖之際宗唐詩學觀念的承傳、演化及其指向 View Inheritance, Evolution and its Orientation of RespectTang Poetry Between the Ming Dynasty Zhengde and Jiajing
- 明末「惡僧小說」初探 On“Evil Buddhist Monk Stories”in the Late Ming
- 從金陵十二釵的形象多面性看《紅樓夢》的成書過程:以賈探春、史湘雲、妙玉、李紈為中心 Towards the composition of Hong Lou Meng from the Multi-faceted Images of Jinling Shier Chai (The Twelve Beauties of Jinling)-Centered Mainly on Jia Tanchun, Shi Xiangyun, Miaoyu and Li Wan
- 梁啟超家庭講學考述 A Research on Liang Qichao's Family Lecture Activities
- 論朱祖謀「節日詞」中的盛世追想與尊君意識 On“Golden Age”Writing and the Consciousness of Monarchism in Chu Tsu-mou's Festal Ci Poetry
- 《新石頭記》的文化藍圖與清末民初的文化轉型 Notes on the Cultural Transformation in the Late Qing and Early Republican Period Based on the Cultural Blueprint in New story of the stone
- 朝鮮近世漢文楹聯考述 Textual Research on Modern Joseon Dynasty Couplets