臺北大學中文學報 Journal of Chinese Literature of National Taipei University |
202003 (27期)期所有篇 |
- 二十一世紀臺灣「後」殖民女性小說:以《看得見的鬼》、《海神家族》與《婆娑之島》為例 (Post)Colonial Taiwanese Women's Fiction in the New Millennium: The Cases of Seeing Ghosts, Mazu's Bodyguard, and Ilha Formosa
- 繪製「香港文學」:盧瑋鑾《香港文學散步》的文學地誌與地方認同 Mapping''Hong Kong Literature'': Literary Topographies and Place Identity in Lu Wei-luan's Hong Kong Literary Walk
- 也斯的香港後殖民文學與論述 The Postcolonial Discourse and Literary Works of Leung Ping-kwan
- 現實與身份認同──論魯白野的馬來亞敘事 Reality and Identity: A view on Lu Bai Ye's Narrative of Malaya
- 論馬華文學的「潛在寫作」──以金枝芒為例 The ''Latent Writing '' in Malaysian Chinese Literature --A Case Study of Jin Zhimang
- 尋溯最早的馬華同志小說──論析王探〈育南與但米〉 Searching the Earliest Malaysian Chinese Gay Short Story -- Analysis on Wangtan's 'YuNan and Danmi'
- 論謝裕民小說中的歷史實驗書寫 A Discussion on Singapore Chinese Writer Chia Joo Ming's Novel and his Experimental Writings
- 「十七年」農村題材小說批評的回顧與反思 Review and Reflection on Discussions and Comments about the Rural Novels in ''Seventeen Years''
- 文學、美術的先鋒協同及其差異──以《今天》雜誌與「星星」畫會為例 Synergism and differences of Avant-garde between literature and art: Take Today magazine and ''Star'' Painting Association as an example
- 古今死亡對歌:挽歌之死亡主題的流變 Death Chant between the Past and Present: The Evolution of Elegy Song's Death Theme
- 《後漢書》李賢注引《春秋左傳》考 On Li Xian's Quotations from Chunqiu zuozhuan in His Annotations of History of Eastern Han
- 從個情到至理──丘嘉穗《東山草堂陶詩箋》的成書及其對清初陶學的回擺 From Personal Emotion to Collective Moral: A Study of ''Dongshan Caotang Tao Shi Jian''
- 狂歡與哀感:《金瓶梅》的節日書寫 Revelry and Sense of Sadness: Jin Ping Mei's Festive Writing