白沙歷史地理學報 Baisha Journal of GeoHistory |
200710 (4期)期所有篇 |
- 臺北淡水河畔社子沙洲歷史地理變遷 The Paleogeography of the ancient Taipei Tamsuiriverside She-Zi flood bar area
- 日治時代旗山地區的行政區演變與區域整合 The Administrative district changing and regional combining in the CHI-SHAN arean during Japanese Era
- 國家機器與臺中地區的「米糖相剋」問題(1895-1954) The Contradictory Relationship between Rice and Sugar’ Problem in Taichung Region of Taiwan (1895-1954) -- From the Viewpoint of Government’s Policies
- 日治時期臺灣牛墟的分布與規模 The distribution and scale of Taiwan cattle markets during the Japanese occupation period
- 五十年來統萬城研究述評 Review and commentary about Tong-wan city’s study over the past 50 yea
- 清代四川盆地城鎮體系之建立 The Formation of the Town System in Sichua Basin in Qing Dynasty
- 反獄動亂下的歷史書寫:明正統末年廣東黃蕭養事件研究 The Huang Xiao-yang’s Jailbreak Incident In Guangdong Ming Dynasty
- 白沙口述歷史:張植珊校長 Baisha Oral History: Zhang ,Zhi-Shan
- 白沙口述歷史:鄭靖時老師 Baisha Oral History: Zheng, Jing-Shi
- 白沙口述歷史:蕭金土老師 Baisha Oral History: Xiao,Jin-Tu