中國工傷保險規定下職災認定要件之研究 The Determination of Industrial Injury under Mainland China Industrial Injury Insurance
專案管理導入企業員工協助方案的技巧與運用 The Technique and Utilization of Project Management in Employee Assistance Programs- Illegal Infringement Prevention as an Example
科技發展對我國工會運作的影響:以中大型企業和企業工會意見為焦點 Impacts of Technology Development on Union Operation in Taiwan: Focus on Medium and Large Enterprises and Enterprise Unions
解析勞動檢查資料以分析當前台灣勞動條件現況──高工時與低工資的影響結構 Analyzing the Current Status of Labor Conditions in Taiwan from Labor Inspection: the Structure of Influence Factors among High Working Hours and Low Wages
照顧與被照顧者間的衡平:我國家事勞動立法及適法建議 The Balancing Caregivers and Cared: Legislation of Domestic Workers in Taiwan
調職糾紛爭議之研究 A Study on Disputes over Job Transfer in an Organization