體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
200709 (40:3期)期所有篇 |
- 運動飲料攝取方案可改善熱環境中女子足球運動員訓練後體重之失衡 Sports drink ingestion protocol on improving weight balance in elite female soccer players trained in hot environments
- 臺灣大專網球選手運動傷害之調查研究 Tennis sport injuries investigation on university tennis players in Taiwan
- 血管張力素轉化酶基因與優秀跆拳道選手之關係 The relationship between angiotensin converting enzyme gene and elite Taekwondo athletes
- 老年人立定垂直跳動作中下肢動力學參數之時宜特徵 The timing characteristics about the kinetically parameters in elderly during countermovement jump
- 游泳抓台出發、蹲踞跳與下蹲跳之下肢動作型態比較 A comparison of motion pattern of lower extremities in swimming grab start, squat jump, and countermovement jump
- 應用社會認知變項檢視六個月運動行為階段的改變 The application of social cognition variables to examine stage of change for exercise behavior during a six-month period
- 熱情量表之建構效度 Construct validity of Passion Scale
- 不同知覺管道對運動技能學習之影響 Effects of different perception on motor learning
- 中華職業棒球球團門票定價類型之研究 Ticket pricing strategy of baseball clubs in Chinese Professional Baseball League
- 運動教育模式對提昇運動期望與價值信念之研究 The study of sport education model improved expectancy and value beliefs in sport
- 羽球新規則的實施對單打競賽時間結構及技術使用率的影響 The effect on time structure of singles and utility rate of techniques in the new badminton rules