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Construct validity of Passion Scale
作者 李烱煌季力康 (Li-Kang Chi)彭涵妮
目的:驗證熱情量表之速體適配度、幅合效度、區別效度和信度。方法:研究對象為221名高中甲級校隊選手,平均年為16.6歲,皆自願填寫熱情量表。結果:經由驗證性因素分析,顯示熱情量表包含兩個穩定的潛在變項;亦即調和式熱情和強迫式熱情,其理論模式具有可接受的整體適配度(χ2(76)=183.44,p<.05;RMSEA=.08;CFI=.97;NNFI=.96;PNFI=.79),信度(R2=.22~.67;ρ=.84~.88),幅合效度(λ=.48~.82,t=6.96~14.31,p<.05),以及區別效度(△χ2=180.28,p<.05;r=.67~.83for90%ConfidenceInterval).。結論:依據結果本研究認為熱情量表在模式內部上已具建構效度所需的證據來源。Purpose: This research was to confirm the overall fit, reliability, convergent validity, and discriminate validity of the Passion Scale. Methods: Two hundred and twenty one senior high school elite athletes were voluntarily participated in the study. Their average age was 16.58 years. All the participants were asked to complete the Passion Scale. Results: The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed a two-factor oblique model of Passion Scale, named harmonious passion and obsessive passion. This theoretical model was found to be good overall fit (χ2 (76) =183.44, p < .05; RMSEA= .08; CFI= .97; NNFI= .96; PNFI= .79), reliability (R2= .22 ~ .67; ρ= .84 ~ .88), convergent validity (λ= .48 ~ .82, t = 6.96 ~ 14.31, p < .05), and discriminate validity (△χ2 = 180.28, p < .05; r = .67~ .83 for 90% Confidence Interval). Conclusion: It is suggested that the internal measurement model in Passion Scale has demonstrated all needed evidence of construct validity.
起訖頁 77-87
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200709 (40:3期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 應用社會認知變項檢視六個月運動行為階段的改變
該期刊-下一篇 不同知覺管道對運動技能學習之影響




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