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The application of social cognition variables to examine stage of change for exercise behavior during a six-month period
作者 張志成 (Chiu-Chen Chang)李保建王士仁
目的:了解從事健身中心運動者六個月運動行為階段改變情形,並探討自我效能、結果務期及社會支持對階改變的影響。方法:縱貫式樣本調查,以便利取樣法忌取自願參與調查者(共72位,平均年齡40.0±7.1歲),進行三次(第一、三、六個月)運動行為階段、自我效能、結果務期及社會支持評量後,先歸類階段改變形,再以兩階段集群法分析階段改變存在集群數,並以區別分析檢驗集群分類適當性,最後利用多變量單因子變異數分析檢定不同集群自我效能、結果務期及社會支持差異。Purpose: To investigate the stage of change in exercise behaviors for the participants exercising in fitness center during a six-month period. The impacts of the self-efficacy, outcome expectancy and the social support on the stage of change for exercise behaviors were explored. Method: The longitudinal approach was used to sample the data from 72 volunteers, which average age was 40.0 ± 7.1 years old. After three assessments of the first, third, and the sixth months, and then classified the stage of change in exercise behaviors for six months. Two-stage clustering approach and the discriminate analysis were used to analyze the cluster members of the stage of change and the statistical adequacy. Finally, the one-way MANOVA was employed to test the differences among the self-efficacy, outcome expectancy, and social support based on the stage of change in exercise behaviors. Results: There were nineteen conditions and eight types of changes were generated during a six-month period. Three cluster members were captured by the two-stage clustering approach and were correctly classified to each cluster by self-efficacy, outcome expectation, and social support at 91.67% level. In self-efficacy, the post hoc comparison indicated the cluster 3 was higher than cluster 1 and cluster 2 in the first, the third and the sixth months. In outcome expectancy and social support, the cluster 2 was higher than cluster 1 and cluster 3 in the third and the sixth month. Conclusions: The stage for exercise can be a complex and changeable process during a six-month study. This process should be increased by the self-efficacy, outcome expectancy, social support, and the change of the behavioral control, intention, and adherence of the exercise participants.
起訖頁 63-76
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200709 (40:3期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 游泳抓台出發、蹲踞跳與下蹲跳之下肢動作型態比較
該期刊-下一篇 熱情量表之建構效度




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