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The study of sport education model improved expectancy and value beliefs in sport
作者 林章榜
目的:本研究的主目的是以Siedentop的運動教育模式和Eccles的期望價值理論為基礎,檢驗運動教育模式介入對學生運動期望與價值信念的影響。方法:296位高中學生(男、女生約各半),在為期8週籃球教學(運動教育介入與傳統單元教學2組,各3班)前後,填寫「運動期望與價值信念量表-兒童及青少年版」。結果:1.運動教育模式介入後,在能力期望、需求努力、以及工作價值信念方面,顯著高於運動教育模式介入前。而重要他人的期望代價知覺,運動教育介入後,顯著低於運動教育模式介入前;2.傳統單元教學後測的工作價值信念,顯著高於授課前;3.運動教育模式和傳統單元教學的後測,在能力期望、需求努力、重要他人期望代價的差異達顯著水準。結論:1.運動教育模式介入,能增進能力期望、需求努力、以及工作價值信念,並降低重要他人的期望代價的知覺;2.傳統單元教學方式能增進運動工作價值信念;3.運動教育模式介入在能力期望和需求努力信念高於傳統單元教學;反之,運動教育模式介入在重要他人期望代價低於傳統單元教學。未來研究應持續對運動教育模式相關議題加以探討與檢驗。Purpose: The purpose of this study was based on Siedentop's SE and Eccles's Expectancy-Value Theory, to examine the effects that a SE had on expectancy and value beliefs in sport through PE for high school students. Methods: After 296 students (male and female about 50%) through the 8 weeks of SE in basketball unit, all students were given a pre- and post-completed the 'Expectancy and Value Beliefs Scale in Sport for Children and Adolescents'. Result were obtained through t-test. Results: The result shows that: 1.There were significant differences in ability expectancy, required effort, expectancy cost from significant others, and task value at receiving SE. 2. There were significant differences in task value at receiving traditional PE. 3. There were significant differences in ability expectancy, required effort, and expectancy cost from significant others, between SE and traditional PE. Conclusions: The following conclusions were drawn: 1.SE can improved ability expectancy belief, required effort, and task value, but decrease expectancy cost from significant other. 2. Traditional PE can improved task value belief. 3. Receiving SE is higher than traditional PE in ability expectancy and required effort. Further studies should continue to follow this direction of investigation.
起訖頁 115-127
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200709 (40:3期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 中華職業棒球球團門票定價類型之研究
該期刊-下一篇 羽球新規則的實施對單打競賽時間結構及技術使用率的影響




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