體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
200609 期所有篇 |
- 短期停止訓練對不同位置橄欖球選手之葡萄糖耐受度影響 The effects of glucose tolerance on rugby players after short term detraining
- 三價鉻離子補充對女子籃球選手運動後葡萄糖吸收能力之影響 Effect of trivalent chromium supplementation on glucose tolerance in female basketball players after exercise training
- 西式划船腳蹬板角度對拉槳階段之影響 The effects of foot-stretcher angle on the drive phase in rowing
- 擊劍手套介面與施力姿勢對握力與捏力的影響 Impacts of the fencing glove interface and grip related on grip force and pinch
- 以得爾慧法建構垂直跳因素評量表 Constructing the component assessment checklist of vertical jump by delphi method
- 運動動機氣候量表二版中文化後的信效度分析 Validation of the Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire-2 within Taiwan sport context
- Raedeke和Smith運動員倦怠問卷(ABQ)之信效度研究 Revision of Raedeke and Smith's Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (ABQ): Analyses of validity and reliability of Chinese version
- 運動領導信任量表信效度評估之研究 Reliability and validity evaluation of scale for trust in leader
- 臺東地區綜合高中二年級學生選修體育課程考量因素之調查研究 The study of the cogitating factors of the secand grade students taking the selective physical education course in Taitung's comprehensive high schools
- 大學生桌球認知測驗之編製 The development of table tennis cognitive test for college students
- 〈張三丰太極拳七十二路圖勢〉的歷史定位推斷 Historical Positioning of 'Illustrations of Chang San-Feng Taichi 72 Postures'