體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
200606 期所有篇 |
- 短期增補羥基檸檬酸對耐力性運動表現之影響 Effect of short-term (-)-hydroxycitric acid supplementation on endurance exercise performance
- 阻力式訓練及鈣補充對骨質密度與骨骼代謝之影響 The effects of resistant training and calcium supplementation on bone mineral density and bone metabolism
- 跆拳道反擊跳後踢動作技術之運動生物力學分析 The biomechanical analysis of taekwondo jumping back kick technique on resistance attack
- 不同棒球球齡選手之動體視力發展特徵 Characteristic of developing dynamic visual acuity by different baseball training period
- 女子網球閉鎖式與開放式站姿雙手反拍加速期之研究 The study of square and open stance for women's tennis two-handed backhand stroke during acceleration phase
- 直臂屈體慢舉倒立運動學與專項體能分析 Analysis of the pike body press to handstand with legs together in kinematical and specific biomotor abilities
- 以動態光點識別動作協調形態及性別 Coordination pattern and gender identification from a point light display
- 姥姥的健走經驗歷程探討 The study of grandmother's walking experiences
- 桌球發球時宜之探討 Timing a serve in table tennis
- 運動教練工作價值觀與組織承諾關係之研究 A study on the relationship between work values and organizational commitments of sports coaches
- 中央體育預算資源配置與執行情形之探討 A discussion on central physical education budget allocation and implementation
- 太極拳與「內經圖」 Tai-chi chuan and the illustration of the inner path