體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
200512 期所有篇 |
- 不同運動對運動員與非運動員血乳酸及血清免疫球蛋白之影響 The effect of endurance and strength exercise on blood lactate and serum immunoglobulin concentration in athletes and non-athletes
- 短期連續高強度運動訓練會降低運動員B淋巴球的數目與功能 Decrease in the counts and function of B lymphocytes after a short-term consecutive high intensive exercise training
- 補充純氧對吸菸者肺功能、體能及血液生化值之影響 Effect of pure oxygen on the pulmonary function, physical fitness and blood biochemistry value of the smokers
- 量化全身性運動協調之工具--主成份分析 The method for quantifying whole body movement coordination - principal component analysis
- 棒球運動教練領導行為之探討--概念建構與模式分析 Leadership in baseball coaches-Concept building and model analysis
- 射擊前心跳率變化對雙不定向飛靶選手成績影響之研究 The effects pre-shoot heart rate and attentional pattern on the performance of double traps shooting athletes
- 臺灣職棒現場觀眾的態度與收看電視轉播意願關係之研究 A study of the relationship between professional baseball spectators' attitudes and intentions to watch televised games in Taiwan
- 臺灣地區大學生運動志願服務工作參與動機及考量因素之研究 A study of motivation and consideration criteria for sport volunteers among college students in Taiwan
- 網球發球落點與技術相關表現之研究--以2004年美國網球公開賽男子單打賽為例 The role of serve placement in Tennis matches - An example study of the 2004 US Open men's singles