領導護理 Leadership Nursing |
201306 (14:2期)期所有篇 |
- 護士荒時代的護理領導 The Role of Nursing Leaders during the Crisis of Nursing Workforce Shortage
- 運用彈性人力資源管理解決護理人力短缺問題 Application of Flexible Human Resourse as a Solution to Nurses Shortage
- 護理人員工作滿足感、專業承諾及組織承諾之相關性探討 Correlations between Nurses' Job Satisfaction, Professional Commitment, and Organizational Commitment
- 一位外籍勞工罹患絨毛膜癌接受首次化學治療之照護經驗 A Nursing Experience for a Patient with Choriocarcinoma Receiving Chemotherapy
- 協助一位新移民婦女剖腹產後哺餵母乳之經驗 An Experience of Assisting an Immigrant Woman with Caesarean Section in Breastfeeding
- 協助一位一位經產婦面臨安胎失敗之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of Caring for a Multipara with Failure to Tocoysis
- 照顧一位顏面燒傷婦女之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of Caring for a Patient with Facial Burn
- 降低手術過程中護理人員尖銳物損傷發生率 Decreasing the Occurrence of Nursing Injuries from Surgical Instruments