![長庚護理 長庚護理](../File/DC/journal/734.jpg)
長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
200803 (19:1期)期所有篇 |
- 前列腺癌病患參與治療決策過程的決策困難及其影響因素之探討 Decision Conflict and Associated Factors in Prostate Cancer Patients during the Decision-Making Process Period
- 醫學中心精神科護理人員自覺職業危害之探討 Perceived Occupational Hazards of Psychiatric Nurses in Medical Centers
- 工作滿意各因子與離職意願:醫院護理人員專業承諾的調節角色 Moderating Effects of Professional Commitment in the Relationship between Turnover Intention and Factors of Job Satisfaction
- 冠狀動脈繞道手術後病患之自我效能、社會支持與自我照顧行為之相關探討 The Relationship between Self-Efficacy, Social Support and Self-Care Behaviors in Post Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Patients
- 技能混合照護模式概念及其運用之SWOT分析 Skill Mix Nursing Practice Model and SWOT Analysis of its Application
- 應用自我調節理論研發糖尿病自我管理光碟 Applying Self-Regulation Theory to Develop a Self-Management VCD in Diabetes Mellitus
- 肝癌病人接受射頻燒灼治療的護理 Nursing Care of Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Following Radiofrequency Ablation
- 提昇護理人員對成人失禁性皮膚炎之照顧能力 Increasing Nurses’ Competence in Caring for Adult Patients with Incontinence Dermatitis
- 外傷骨折病人術後執行臨床路徑之改善方案 The Project of Utilizing Clinical Pathway to Assist Fracture Patients Recovering after Surgical Operation
- 協助一位子宮頸癌患者接受根治性手術之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of a Cervical Cancer Patient Who Had Abdominal Radical Hysterectomy
- 運用壓力評價因應理論於一位自殺企圖病患的護理經驗 The Applying Stress, Appraisal and Coping Theory in a Patient with Suicidal Attempt as Experience by Nursing Practice
- 一位齒齦癌病患手術後期間照護之經驗 Nursing Experience of a Patient with Gum Cancer during Postoperative Period
- 運用認知行為治療於酒精依賴合併重度憂鬱症個案之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of Using Cognitive Behavior Therapy for an Alcohol Dependent Combining with Major Depression Disordered Patient
- 一位接受膝上截肢青少年手術後之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of An Adolescent with Above-Knee Amputation Surgery