長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
200312 (14:4期)期所有篇 |
- 1991-2000年臺灣護理碩士論文分析 Retrospect Analysis of Nursing Master Theses from 1991 to 2000 in Taiwan
- 慢性精神病患音樂治療成效研究 The Effects of Music Therapy for Chronic Psychotic Patients
- 肌肉放鬆於化學治療期間噁心及嘔吐之成效 The Effects of Muscle Relaxation on Nausea and Vomiting Induced by Chemotherapy
- 護生生理週期變化之研究 A Study of Female Reproductive Cycles in Student Nurses
- 穴位指壓在婦女健康上的應用 Application of Acupressure to Women Health
- 癌症惡病質病患之護理 Nursing Care of Cancer Patients with Cachexia
- 全面品質管理在護理教育之應用 The Application of Total Quality Management in Nursing Education
- 從感染控制觀點談SARS病患之檢傷、醫院及居家隔離 From Infection Control to Triage, Hospital and Home Quarantine for SARS Patients
- 改善鼻中膈彎曲手術病患對手術室護理人員的手術前護理指導滿意度 Satisfaction Improvement Program of Pre-operative Nursing Instruction for Nasal Septum Deviation Operation Patients
- 促進高血壓老年人服藥遵從性之家庭護理經驗 Family Nursing Experience of Facilitating the Medication Compliance of a Hypertensive Elderly
- 照顧一位慢性阻塞性肺疾病病人的護理經驗 The Nursing Experience for a Patient of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- 運用Orem理論照顧一位食道灼傷患者於食道重建術後之經驗 The Postoperative Nursing Experience of an Esophageal Injuried Patient Receiving Reconstruction: An Application of Orem's Theory