201811 (2018:6期)期所有篇 |
- 承包地“三權分置”政策入法的路徑與方案──以《農村土地承包法》的修改為中心 The Path and Plan for the Entry of the “Three Rights Separation” Policy into Law: From the perspective of revising Rural Land Contract Law
- 尋找迷失的土地承包經營權制度──以農地“三權分置”政策的法律表達為線索 Searching for Lost Land Contract Management Rights System; The Legal Expression of The “Three Rights Separation” Policy of Agricultural Land
- 應當構建犯意偏差之片面幫助犯的理論範疇 The Theoretical Category of Unilateral Helpers Should Be Constructed
- 中國刑法語境中正犯後正犯理論之消解 The Dispelling of the Theory of Principal Offenders Post-Principal Offenders in the Context of China’s Criminal Law
- 生態文明入憲及其體系性憲法功能 A Systematic Interpretation of the Inheritance of Ecological Civilization and Its Constitutional Function
- 重釋知識產權法定原則 Reinterpretation of the Statutory Principle of Intellectual Property Rights
- 商譽權的法律性質和立法模式探究 On the Legal Nature and Legislative Mode of the Right of Goodwill
- 雙邊市場條件下第三方支付相關市場的界定──基於互聯網行業的反壟斷法分析 Definition of Third-Party Payment-Related Markets under Bilateral Market Conditions: Analysis of Anti-Monopoly Law Based on Internet Industry
- 公訴變更實體限制論 On Public Prosecution Change Entity Restriction
- 論國家監察體制改革背景下的檢察工作發展新路徑 Thoughts on the Development Path of Procuratorial Work under the Background of National Supervision System Reform
- 漂浮的國際強行法 The Floating International Jus Cogens
- 中國遵守WTO不利裁決的策略及其對國家聲譽的影響研究 China’s Strategy of Complying with WTO’s Unfavorable Decisions and Its Impact on National Reputation
- 中國非訟程序年度觀察報告(2017) Annual Observing Report on Non-Contentious Procedures in China (2017)
- 中國民事電子訴訟年度觀察報告(2017) Annual Observation Report on Civil Electronic Litigation in China (2017)