201409 (28:5期)期所有篇 |
- 論我國編造、傳播虛假信息的刑法規制 Criminal Regulation on Fabrication, Deliberate Dissemination of False Information in China
- 論新刑事訴訟法實施後的公訴變更問題 Alteration of Public Prosecution after the Enforcement of New Criminal Procedure Law
- 我國海商法中的實際承運人制度及其適用 The Application of Rules on Actual Carrier in China Maritimr Law
- 行政行為執行力的觀念及消弭--我國行政義務時效確保手段研究之爭議 The Notion of Adiministrative Behavior Execution and Its Diminish:A Study on the Assurance of Administrative Obligation Effects in China
- 具行政行為檢查監督的制度架構 Institutional Structure of Procuratorial Supervision on Specific Administrative Activities
- 行政執法風險的內控機制初論--以食品安全執法為例 Internal Control System for Administrative Law Enforcement Risk:Example from Food Safety Administrative Law Enforcement
- 刑法類推解釋禁止之思考 On the Prohibition of Analogical Interpretation in Criminal Law
- 危險駕駛罪的主觀要件研究 Subjective Elements of Dangerous Driving Crime
- 離婚婦女婚姻家庭權益司法保障實證研究--以吉林省中等發達地區某基層法院2010-2012抽樣調查的離婚案件為對象 Empirical Research on the Judicial Protection of Marriage and Family Rights for Divorced Woman:A Study on the Sample of a Court in Jilin, 2010-2012
- 技術服務不能及其救濟 Disability of Technical Service and Its Remedy
- 中國公司對外擔保規則特殊性研究--兼論民法商法思維方式的對立統一 A Study on the Special Characteristics of Rules on Foregin Guarantee by Chinese Companies:Unity of Opposites on the Way of thinking in Civil and Commercial Law
- 反壟斷法的地位及其政策含義 The Status and Policy Implication of Anti-Monopoly Law
- 權利衝突視野下的勞動者知情權問題研究 An Inquiry into the Laborer's Right to Know in the Context of Conflict of Rights
- 刑事訴訟體系的立法設定與實踐表達 Criminal Litigation Rights:Legislative Prescription and Practical Expression
- 社會治理刑民事檢查制度初探--實踐、規範、理論的交錯視角 Civil Administrative Procuratorial System as Societal Governance:Prcatices, Norms, and Teories
- 國際技術許可中限制性行為法律規制的現實與挑戰 Legal Regulation on Restrictive Business Practices in International Technology Licensing:Reality and Challenges
- 國際海洋法仲裁法庭對菲律賓訴中國案的管轄權問題研究 The Jurisdiction of International Arbitration Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Concerning South China Sea Dispute between Philippines and China