清华法学 Tsinghua Law journal |
201309 (7:5期)期所有篇 |
- 人格權法中的人格尊嚴價值及其實現 The Value of Human Dignity in the Law of Personality Rights and It's Realization
- 財稅法治的破局與立勢--一種以關係平衡為核心的治國之路 Breakthroughs and Commanding Points of Fiscal and Tax Law:A State Administration Approach That Views Balanced Relations as the Central Task
- 租賃物維修義務的法律構造--基於對我國司法案例的分析 The Legal Construction of Maintenance Duty of Hired Wares--Analysis Based on China's Judicial Cases
- 論建築物區分所有權中的配置比例標準--兼談違反「應當首先滿足業主需要」規範的法律後果 On the Distributed Proportion Standard in a Building's Condominium:Concurrently on the Legal Consequences of Violating Norms Imposing the Duty of Firstly Satisfying Needs of the Proprietor
- 社會建構主義視國中的死刑民意溝通 Common Understanding of Public Opinion Relating to the Death Penalty:from the Perspective of Social Constructionism
- 論中止犯的性質及其對成立要件的制約 On the Nature of an Offense and Its Restriction to the Essential Elements of Discontinued Crimes
- 我國罰金刑司法再認識--基於跨國比較的追蹤研究(1945-2011) Judicial Re-understanding of Chinese Fine Penalties--A Tracing Study Based on Transnational Comparisons(1945~2011)
- 從國家壟斷到社會參與:當代中國刑事訴訟立法的新圖景 From State Monopoly to Social Participation:New Prospect for Contemporary China's Legislation on Criminal Procedure
- 新刑事訴訟法實施:半年初判 Implementation of China's New Code of Criminal Procedure:Half-year Evaluation
- 我國民事訴訟法學的現代化轉向 The Modernizing Direction of China's Science of Civil Procedure Law
- 制度效益取向的法律解釋理論--評《不確定狀態下的裁判:法律解釋的制度理論》 A System Efficiency-orientated Theory of Legal Interpretation--Commentary on Judging Under Uncertainty:An Institutional Theory of Legal Interpretation
- 一房成為數個權利標的物時的緊張關係及其理順 The Strained Relationship and Its Resolution When One Flat Becomes the Object of Several Rights