清华法学 Tsinghua Law journal |
201211 (6:6期)期所有篇 |
- 認真對待我國憲法本文 Taking the Constitutional Text Seriously
- 憲法實施的概念與路徑 Implementing the Constition:Concepts and Approaches
- 政治憲法學視野中的「八二憲法」 The PRC Constitution 1982:A View of Political Constitutionalism
- 我們應當怎樣修改憲法--兼論「政治憲法學」與「規範憲法學」修憲觀的得失 How the Constitution Should be Amended:Gains and Losses Between Doctrines of “Political” and “Normative” Constitutional Amendment
- 我國民法立法的體系化與科學化問題 Toward a Systemic Science of Civil Legislation in China
- 論動產多重買賣中標的物所有權歸屬的確定標準--評最高法院買賣合同司法解釋第9、10條 On the Crterion for Determining the Ownership of Objects in Multiple Sales of Movables--A Comment on Articles 9 and 10 of the SPC Judicial Interpretation on Sales Contract
- 超越雇用合同與勞動合同規則--家政工保護的立法理念與制度建構 Beyond Rules of Employment and Labor Contracts--A Legislative and Institutional Conception for the Protection of Domestic Workers
- 日本民事訴訟法上誠實信義原則之解讀 Interpreting “Treu und Glauben” in Japanese Civil Procedure
- 國際投資仲裁裁決執行中的國家豁免問題 On State Immunity in the Execution of International Investment Arbitral Awards
- 論股東派生訴訟的實現--以「理性經濟人」為假設的法經濟學解釋 How the Shareholder's Derivative Litigation is Accomplished--An Economic Analysis Using the “Rational Economic Man” Hypothesis
- 政治私約主義的正當性困境:政治憲法學批判--以《清帝遜位詔書》的法學解讀為中心 Legitimacy Dilemma of the Doctrine of Political Private Agreement:A Critique of Political Constitutionalism--Reinterpreting the Qing Emperor's Edict of Abdication
- 沒有社會的社會契約--對盧梭公意理論與傳統民意觀的批判性考察 A Social Contract without the Social:A Critical Investigation into Rousseau's Theory of General Will and Traditional Popular Will
- 帝制法治的兩面--「斷罪引律令」與比附援引制度的思想基礎 Imperial Rule of Law:Its Two Faces--The Ideological Foundation of Determining Crimes “by Citing Statutes” and “by Analogy”
- 普通法世界中的混合法系 Mixed Systems in the Common Law World