華語學刊 TCSL Forum |
201612 (21期)期所有篇 |
- 教育部104年「華語文教育機構試辦評鑑計畫」試行成效初探 The Effects of ''Accreditation of Mandarin Chinese Language Education Institutions'' Organized by Ministry of Education
- 臺灣師範大學國語教學中心資深教師呂啟行老師訪談 An Interview with Chi-Hsing Lu, a Senior Teacher at Mandarin Training Center of National Taiwan Normal University
- 資深華語教師吳桃源老師訪談──充滿六安茶香的華語教學之路 An Interview with Taoyuan Wu, a Senior Chinese Teacher—A Road to Chinese Teaching with Luk On Tea
- 由《今日台灣》看中級閱讀的語篇教學模式 A Teaching Approach to Intermediate Chinese Reading Based on the Text of Taiwan Today
- 戲劇教學融入華語教學──兼談一個第一語言教學個案 A Study of Learning Chinese through Drama
- 語言交換平臺建製與經營 The Creation and Undertaking of a Language Exchange Platform for CL2 Learners and Local Students
- 融入環境線索的漢字教學活動分享──以筆畫教學為例 Using Environmental Material in the Instruction of Chinese Characters: The Strokes Lesson as an Example
- My CT軟體介紹與使用心得 Introduction of ''My CT'' and Its Review
- 從會話教材中擷取定式的語段輸出教學──以《實用視聽華語三》為例 The Selection and Adaptation of Formulaic Patterns Based on Practical Audio-Visual Chinese 3 and Their Output
- 買水果 Buying Some Fruits
- 到越南旅行吧 Travel to Vietnam
- 到韓國旅行吧 Travel to Korea
- 印尼的節日 An Indonesian Holiday
- 宅男現象 The Otaku Phenomenon
- 克拉科夫的聖誕馬廄大賽 Kraków Szopka in Poland
- 我心目中的華語中心 A Chinese Language Center on My Mind
- 越南河粉古早味 The Traditional Vietnamese Cuisine—Pho
- 英國特殊的政治結構 British Special Political System
- 女性社團是否可以公開播放成人片 Should a Women Association Play Adult Films in Public Occasions?
- 結合在地文化的中秋節活動 Cultural Immersion Activities for Mid-Autumn Festival in Kaohsiung