南北朝外交移書初探 A Preliminary Study on Reciprocal Official Diplomatic Documents of the Northern and Southern Dynasties
奇姿與質樸──從吳彬到方以智的晚明畫石風尚 From the Strange to the Simple: The Late Ming Stone Paintings of Wu Bin and Fang Yizhi
奚必泛槎昌國涯──月潭道澂《觀音新驗錄》初探 Being Present, Embracing Inner Freedom: Investigation into Gettan Dōchō’s Kannon Shin Gen Roku
莊子的「共在」與「共是」──與海德格、鄂蘭的對話 Zhuangzi’s“Being-with”and“Common Agreement”: Dialogue with Heidegger and Arendt
齊思和論中國近代史學之變遷──〈近百年來中國史學的發展〉、〈晚清史學的發展〉校讀記 Ch’i Ssu-ho on the Changes in Modern Chinese Historiography: A Comparative Study of“The Development of Chinese Historiography in the Past Hundred Years”and“The Development of the Historiography of the Late Qing Dynasty”
上古漢語「自」、「以」介詞組語序重探 Re-Investigation of the Word Order of the Prepositional Phrases“Zi”自and“Yi”以in Old Chinese
先秦語氣副詞「誠」、「果」演變的再商榷──構式語法視角下的演變詮釋 Re-Examining the Changes in the Pre-Qin Modal Adverbs“Cheng”誠and“Guo”果: Interpreting Grammatical Change from the Perspective of Construction Grammar
評李舜臣,《歷代釋家別集敘錄》 Li Shunchen, A Descriptive Catalog of the Buddhist Anthology in Past Dynasties
評謝曉輝,《製造邊緣性:10-19世紀的湘西》 Xie Xiaohui, Constructing Peripheriness: Western Hunan from the 10th to the 19th Century