英文摘要 |
Belief in Guanyin (Avalokiteśvara) has been one of the most widespread and influential belief systems concerning a bodhisattva in Japan, and its Buddhist scripture Kanzeonkyo觀世音經(Scripture of Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva) in particular demonstrates the diverse forms of Japanese acceptance of the Chinese Lotus Sutra. Since the Edo period, Guanyin has largely become the most familiar bodhisattva to the people, to the extent that she has maintained a seemingly timeless presence. The book Kannon shin gen roku觀音新驗錄(1696), written by theŌbaku Zen monk Gettan Dōchō月潭道澄(1636-1713) within this context, can be regarded as a microcosm of the circumstances surrounding belief in Guanyin in Japan during the early modern period. Seeing that this work is not yet known by the public, let alone related academic discussions, this article attempts to organize, classify, and reinterpret the author’s life story, the historical background, and textual contents of Kannon shin gen roku; and afterwards, create a dialogue between existing research findings on Japanese belief in Guanyin and the cultural history of East Asian Buddhism. |