由「信順成命」至「同會大通」--阮侃、嵇康「宅有無吉凶攝生四論」之激通抉微 A Study on the Contestation between Ruan Kan and Ji Kang within the“Four Discourses on Whether Dwellings with or without Fortune and Misfortune Nourish Life”
《金史》列傳探源 Exploring the Origins of the Biographies within the History of Jin
「格物」何以「無工夫」?--聶雙江、黃久菴之比較 “Gewu”without“Gongfu”? A Comparison between Nie Shuangjiang and Huang Jiu’an
參研「中和」、考異與重構──韓儒以性理圖推闡朱子舉隅 The Use of Diagrams to Discuss Principles within Korean Neo-Confucianism: Textual Criticism of Diagrams on Zhu Xi’s Theory of“Zhonghe”
周作人早期宗教視域及漢語小說論述的轉折 The Early Religious Perspective of Zhou Zuoren and the Transformation of Discourses on Chinese Novels
漢譯佛典帶「與O+俱」套接式主題鏈的構成及其成因 The Composition of Telescopic Chains with the“Yu與O+ Ju俱”Clause in Chinese-Translated Buddhist Scriptures and Reasons for Its Construction
臺灣黃塗本與大陸閩南語歌仔冊的語文比較舉隅 Language Comparison of Kua1-A2-Tsheh4歌仔冊Published by the Taiwanese Huang-tu Letterpress and in the Mainland