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Language Comparison of Kua1-A2-Tsheh4歌仔冊Published by the Taiwanese Huang-tu Letterpress and in the Mainland
作者 林香薇 (Hsiang-Wei Lin)
Huang-tu Letterpress黃塗活版所was the first printing house in Taiwan to publish a large number of kua1-a2-tsheh4 (folk songs歌仔冊). The present article takes the letterpress as its central focus, exploring the similarities and differences in the language of kua1-a2-tsheh4 published by Huang-tu and the mainland, and then compares these elements with works published in Taiwan in later periods to grasp the historical development of kua1-a2-tsheh4 in regards to language.
First, we define the stages of development of the language of kua1-a2-tsheh4 and then conduct a diachronic study of twenty-eight kua1-a2-tsheh4 published both by the Taiwanese Huang-tu Letterpress and in the mainland, using this as the basis for discussing the evolution of related language. We have observed that mainland kua1-a2-tsheh4 retain a remarkably greater Mandarin lexicon, most vocabularies of which have been changed to their corresponding ancient Chinese counterparts in the works of Huang-tu Letterpress and a few of which have been changed to common vocabularies of both Min and China. Generally speaking, the situation concerning the reference and inheritance of mainland kua1-a2-tsheh4 by Huang-tu Letterpress is rather strict. Although the selection of vocabularies is different, Huang-tu Letterpress appears very conservative and there are no obvious traces of localization or colloquialization. Next, this article takes“kap/kah”合,“kāng”共,“hōo”予, etc. as examples to explore the relationship between the writing of Chinese characters and their grammatical functions. We have found that in the case of mainland or Huang-tu Letterpress kua1-a2-tsheh4,“kāng”appears in both a unilateral and co-ordinate relationship, and“hōo”emerges in co-participation and unilateral relationships. In addition, kua1-a2-tsheh4 published by Huang-tu Letterpress and in the mainland completely retain the three usages of qi乞as a verb of giving, a causative verb, and the agentive marker in the passive.
起訖頁 259-300
關鍵詞 閩南詞歌仔冊詞彙演變漢字書寫語法功能Southern Min lexiconkua1-a2-tsheh4歌仔冊folk songslexical evolutionChinese character writinggrammatical function
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 202206 (40:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 漢譯佛典帶「與O+俱」套接式主題鏈的構成及其成因
該期刊-下一篇 書評──李浩《摩石錄》




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