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The Composition of Telescopic Chains with the“Yu與O+ Ju俱”Clause in Chinese-Translated Buddhist Scriptures and Reasons for Its Construction
作者 林家妃
This paper examines the information structure of the opening formula in Chinese-translated Buddhist scriptures, which contains two topic chains of continuation and elaboration that are telescoped with the clause“yu O + ju”與O +俱. The beginning topic chain is a relation of continuation in sentences that contain“yu O + ju”; the second is an explanatory sentence group in which the object of the preposition is under the domain of the zero anaphora. The“O”from the clause“yu O + ju”having the function of leading a new topic is the unique feature in Chinese Buddhist scriptures, and the main reason for its creation lies in the difference of language typology between Sanskrit and Chinese: the former, a synthetic language, uses inflection to express syntactic relationships within a sentence; the latter, an analytic language, utilizes word orders. Implementing planes of translation, translators used morpheme-to-morpheme translation (so-called calques or loan translation) to establish a specific style from the beginning of the scriptures. Nevertheless, a narrative style including both continuation and elaboration has already existed since pre-Qin written language. In this case within the present paper, the information structure produced via translation does not go beyond the existing pattern of clause complexes in Chinese.
起訖頁 227-257
關鍵詞 小句合成體套接式主題鏈與O+俱語言類型仿譯clause complexestelescopic chain“yu O + ju”與O +俱language typologycalques
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 202206 (40:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 進出「異國」與「中國」之間--以李金髮回到中國之後的寫作中心(1920s-1940s)
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣黃塗本與大陸閩南語歌仔冊的語文比較舉隅




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