喪禮飲食的象徵、通過意涵及教化功能─以禮書及漢代為論述核心 The Symbolism, Significance as a Rite of Passage, and Civilizing Function of Funeral Food: A Discussion Focusing on the Han Dynasty and Books of Rites
掌握變化的道德--《荀子》「誠」概念的結構 The Virtue of Mastering Change: The Concept of Sincerity (Cheng) in the Xunzi
漢初郡長吏雜考 A Study of Provincial Senior Officers at the Beginning of the Han Dynasty
從天文到聖物--六朝道教儀式中策杖之考察 From Celestial Writing to Sacred Object: A Study of Scepter and Staff in Six Dynasties Daoist Ritual
以「理本論」、「心本論」、「氣本論」分系宋明理學之商榷 A Discussion of Subclassifying Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism into Li-, Xin-, and Qi-Centered Discourses
十六世紀閩南語指示詞的語法化現象 Grammaticalization of Demonstratives in Sixteenth Century Southern Min
降清明臣與清初輿論 Collaborators and Public Opinion in the Early Qing
番租、田底與管事--康熙下淡水社文書所見的臺灣鄉村社會 Aboriginal Land Rent, Subsoil Land Rights and Hakka Society in South Taiwan: A Study on the Rent Arrangements in the 1721 Contract
花萼與芸香--錢塘汪氏振綺堂詩人群 The Wang Family of Qiantang’s Zhenqi Tang Poetry Group
漢學內部的「漢宋之爭」─從陳澧的「漢宋調和」看清代思想史上「漢宋之爭」的深層涵義 The Han/Song Debate in Han Studies and Its Deeper Significance in Qing Intellectual History from Chen Li’s Reconciliatory Perspective
佩掛與驅邪--仲夏民俗的比較研究 Badge-Wearing and Exorcism: A Comparative Study of Midsummer Folklore