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The Symbolism, Significance as a Rite of Passage, and Civilizing Function of Funeral Food: A Discussion Focusing on the Han Dynasty and Books of Rites
作者 林素娟
This paper intends to explore from the point of view of its significance as a rite of passage, the role food played in funeral rites in symbolizing the change in the state of being of the deceased, and the transition and transformation of the mind and body of the living. In ritual food offerings, the location of the ritual, the handling and dividing up of the sacrifice, the parts of the sacrificed animal, the order of the process, the presentation and arrangement of the food, raw and cooked, whole and part, all present an abundance of symbolic differences and meanings. These both signify the transition in the deceased’s state of being and also reflect the attitudes towards death of the people of the time, at the same time serving to help the living readjust. The meals eaten by mourners especially reveal a mysterious transitional and affective function. Apart from this, with regard to food’s civilizing function in family and society, how differences in food could be used to determine ethical gradations, and how behavior could be re-educated through redefining ethical relations, frequently became the focal points of politics and education.
起訖頁 1-34
關鍵詞 喪禮飲食象徵通過儀式禮書funeralfoodsymbolrite of passagebooks of rites
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200912 (27:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 掌握變化的道德--《荀子》「誠」概念的結構




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