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The Han/Song Debate in Han Studies and Its Deeper Significance in Qing Intellectual History from Chen Li’s Reconciliatory Perspective
作者 張循
Chen Li 陳澧 was one of the most important advocates of the reconciliation of Han and Song approaches to Studying the Classics in the late Qing. Examining his theory, we find that despite constantly advocating the indispensability of Song Studies, what he in fact accepted was merely Song scholar’s traditional emphasis on yili 義理, to the point that he was not at all influenced by Neo-Confucianism. The Song Studies that interested him was not the Neo-Confucianism of the Song and Ming dynasties; rather, his life’s work reconciling Han and Song was an attempt to deal with an internal problem in Qing dynasty Han Studies, the aim of which was to stress and reiterate Han Studies original approach of understanding the meaning of doctrine (yili) through textual research (kaoju考據). This problem can be stratified into two layers. The first was the division in the process of research between wenxue文學 (studying the classics) and dexing 德行 (morality), and the second was the tension between kaoju and yili in wenxue. Chen Li adopted two different ways of reconciling these two layers, namely to connect the two and separate the two. However, Han Studies scholars of the time could not comprehend his efforts, an awkward outcome that reflected the divorce between theory and practice in Han Studies, which was precisely at the root of the Han/Song debate in the Qing dynasty. The deeper implication of the Han/Song debate in Qing dynasty intellectual history was therefore this innate contradiction in Han Studies.
起訖頁 295-327
關鍵詞 清代陳澧漢學宋學漢宋之爭考據Qing dynastyChen LiHan LearningSong LearningHan/Song debatekaoju
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200912 (27:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 花萼與芸香--錢塘汪氏振綺堂詩人群
該期刊-下一篇 佩掛與驅邪--仲夏民俗的比較研究




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