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Fang Xiaoru: His Years as a Disciple of Song Lian (1376-1383)
作者 徐兆安
This article traces the experiences of Fang Xiaoru (方孝孺, 1357-1402) from 1376, when he became Song Lian’s (宋濂, 1310-1381) disciple immediately after his father’s death, to 1383, the year he was summoned by Ming Taizu 明太祖 after the death of Song Lian. By reconstructing Fang’s interaction with his mentor and other students of Song, this study tackles three unsolved questions in the studies of literati in the Hongwu reign (洪武, 1368-1398). First of all, Song and Fang, as stated by Qian Mu 錢穆, had different attitudes toward Ming Taizu and the founding of Ming Dynasty. If Qian’s account is valid, was there any clash of views between them? How did the mentor and the student, whose values were at such a polarity, interact with each other? Secondly, did Fang blame Ming Taizu for the death of his father and mentor, and express his grievances in his writings, as contended by scholars of Ming history and thought? Finally, in the famous Ming ru xue an 明儒學案, Liu Zongzhou (劉宗周, 1578-1645) and Huang Zongxi (黃宗羲, 1610-1695) regarded Fang as the Founding Master of Ming Learning, but was Fang really regarded as a grandmaster and the pioneer of Ming daoxue 道學, or just an inheritor of Song’s literature by his coevals? The answers provided in this study may shed new light on the intellectual history of the Hongwu reign.
起訖頁 147-178
關鍵詞 方孝孺宋濂明太祖道學思想史Fang XiaoruSong LianMing Taizudaoxueintellectual history
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200912 (27:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 以「理本論」、「心本論」、「氣本論」分系宋明理學之商榷
該期刊-下一篇 十六世紀閩南語指示詞的語法化現象




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