中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History Academia Sinica |
201503 (87期)期所有篇 |
- 殖民知識的生產與再建構——「滿洲國」時期的古物調查工作 Production and Reconstruction of Colonial Knowledge: Antiquities Surveys and Activities in the Manchukuo Period
- 清末威海衛華勇營研究,1899-1906 A Study on the Chinese Regiment in Weihaiwei during the Late Qing
- 日常中的國家——晚清民國的北京小販與城市管理 The State in Everyday Life: Peddlers and Urban Management of Beijing during the Late Qing and Republican Period
- 意識形態、國家利益與民族國家統合方略之糾葛——1944-1947年國民政府治理新疆政策研究 The Entanglement of Ideology, National Interests and Nation-State Integration Strategy: Official Policy toward Xinjiang, 1944-1947
- William G. Grieve, The American Military Mission to China, 1941-1942: Lend-Lease Logistics, Politics and the Tangles of Wartime Cooperation William G. Grieve, The American Military Mission to China, 1941-1942: Lend-Lease Logistics, Politics and the Tangles of Wartime Cooperation
- Mary Brown Bullock, The Oil Prince’s Legacy: Rockefeller Philanthropy in China Mary Brown Bullock, The Oil Prince’s Legacy: Rockefeller Philanthropy in China
- 書評:馬陵合《外債與民國時期經濟變遷》
- 書評:志賀市子著、宋軍譯《香港道教與扶乩信仰:歷史與認同》