社會教育學刊 Bulletin of Adult & Continuing Education |
199606 (25期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣婦女成人教育之現況與發展 The Present State and Perspectives of Adult Education for Women in Taiwan
- 公民館的理念與日本的社會教育思想 KominKan and the Philosophy of Democratic Social Education in Japan
- 社會行銷的理論與實務 Theory and Application of Social Marketing
- 多媒體在教學設計中的形式、迷思和趨勢探討 Prevalent Formats, Philosophical Issues and Trends in Interactive Multimedia Learning Systems
- 葉尼斯、貝爾、馬克貝刻的批判思考觀在成人批判教學上的意義 On Critical Thinking Theories and their Implications in Constructing Adult Critical Thinking Teaching Models: The Perspectives of Ennis, Beyer and McPeck.
- 國家、媒體和民主參與 Stab, Media and Participatory Democracy
- 社會教育展示說明策略之研究--以科學教育展示為例 A Study of Explanatory Strategies on Exhibit Labels
- 社區老人自助團體行動策略之研究--以臺北市新龍社區為例 The Study of the Community Action Strategy for Self-help Groups of the Elderly
- 社區組織在社區成人教育中的角色 The Roles of Community Organizations in Community Adult Education
- 臺北市高職補校學生輟學傾向危險群之研究 A Study on Dropout Tendency of Students in Vocational Supplementary School
- 國中補校成人學生批判思考之研究 The Study on Critical Thinking of Adult Students
- 臺北地區國中補校學生補校教育價值觀及其相關態度與行為 A Study of Adult Students' Value System of Supple mentary Education and Its Related Behaviors and Attitudes