中華體育季刊 Quarterly of Chinese Physical Education |
201209 (26:3期)期所有篇 |
- 身體活動流行病學研究設計之概述 Foundational concept of research designs in physical activity epidemiology
- 運動與碳水化合物對於餐後血脂的影響 The influence of exercise and carbohydrate on postprandial lipemia
- 具緩衝作用的營養增補劑對高強度間歇訓練的效果 The effect of nutritional supplements with buffering capacity on high-intensity interval training
- 含有運動禁藥的天竺葵油及天竺葵根萃取物製品 Geranium root extract and geranium oilare the sources of doping substances
- 社會情緒選擇理論的探討與應用 The discussion and application of socioemotional selectivity theory
- 行動計畫縮短意圖與行為之間的差距 Action plan bridges the gap between intention and behavior
- 個體在團體工作時的動機提升效應 The group motivation gain effect
- 運動員的腦大不同--以學習及大腦塑性功能的角度探討 Inside the Brain of Athletes: A Perspective from Learning and Neuroplasticity
- 青少年螢幕式坐式行為與學業成就之關係 The relationships between screen-based sedentary behaviors and academic achievement in adoles
- 人體行走轉彎機制 The mechanism of turning on human walking
- 國小學童樂樂足球遊戲型式之探討 The study of happy soccer configuration of play for primary children
- 體驗式團隊建立活動方案融入體育課程提升青少年自我概念之發展 Experiential team building activity program into the physical education curriculum to enhance the development of self-concept on adolescence
- 去邊緣的學術思考:非主流團體在休閒場域中的重新呈現 De-marginalization: The re-presentation of alternative groups in leisure-related study
- 學校體育行政組織權力與政治行為之探討 The study of the power and political behaviour in school physical education administrative organisation
- 羽球專項體能測驗之探討 Specific fitness test battery for badminton