法律保障被告選任辯護律師權利 On law protection of the defendant's right to choose the Defense counsel
從MAKIYO事件認識律師在司法機構上之功能與地位──兼談還給彭郁欣律師一個公道 Understanding a lawyer's functions and position through the 'case of Makiyo'--also on giving lawyer Peng Yu-Sin the justice she deserves
試論人權普世性與相對性之共存 On the Coexistence of Human Rights Universality and Relativity
公民權利和政治權利國際公約(ICCPR)及經濟、社會與文化權利國際公約(ICESCR)探討原住民族自決權法令與現況檢討(下) Analyzing the law regulating the aboriginal self-determination rights and reviewing relevant implementations in Taiwan by probing “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” and “International Covenant on Economic, Social and Culture Rights” (Part II)
2011年婦女人權指標調查報告摘要 The 2011 Human Rights Index from the Research on Woman in Taiwan
2012年台北總部赴泰考察報告 The 2012 Report of the study tour to Thailand