文史臺灣學報 Taiwan Studies in Literature and History |
201306 (5期)期所有篇 |
- 荷蘭東印度公司的「訊息貨物」與區域性思維──以1637年臺灣轉口貿易為例的分析 The Dutch East India Company's 'Written Cargos' and Regional Thinking from the Case of Taiwan Entrepôt Trade in 1637
- 鄭、清澎湖海戰的戰術與策略 The tactics and strategies of the Penghu sea battle between the Zheng and the Qing Dynasty
- 暗洋暗澳傳說:《臺灣府志》中的荷蘭北極探險故事 The Story of Anian: the Dutch Arctic Voyage Told in the Gazette of Taiwan Prefecture
- 臺灣文學與文獻中「打狗」港灣符號的衍異與層構(1624-1920) The Semiotic Derivation and Stratum Structure of 'Takao' Harbor in Taiwanese Literature and historical archives
- 重探臺北市內「古亭」和「大安」地名源流:一個跨學科考證的嘗試 Revisiting the Etymologies of Da'an and Guting in Taipei City: an Interdisciplinary Attempt
- 在臺日人之基隆書寫──以《基隆港》收錄之日人漢詩為觀察場域 The study of Sinology Poem in Keelung from Japanese during the colony period of Taiwan: Based upon Observations on 'Keelung Harbor' which collected Sinology Poems from
- 「覽爛查某」的性別關係:日治中期台灣歌仔冊中女性負面形象再思考 The gender politics of 'Lazy and Disgusting Women' : Re-reading of the negative female stereotypes in the midJapanese colonial period in Taiwanese Folk Song Pamphlets.
- 歷史記憶的現身與缺席:以二林事件中的蔗農組合幹部與蔗農為例 The Presence/ Un-presence in Historical Memories--a Study on the Sugarcane Farmers and Their Association in the Er-Lin Event