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The gender politics of 'Lazy and Disgusting Women' : Re-reading of the negative female stereotypes in the midJapanese colonial period in Taiwanese Folk Song Pamphlets.
作者 石廷宇
日治中期(1920-1937)的殖民地台灣社會,正面臨著各種現代文明觀念的滲透,使得因襲著傳統儒家道統的女教觀念,與父權體系的性別意識,因此遭到各種進步思想的刺激與挑戰。頻繁出現的「勸改」與批判情形,不只反應在台灣新文學小說作品中,也反應在作為傳統大眾娛樂媒體——歌仔戲。本文圍繞以「覽爛」為名的歌仔戲唱本——歌仔冊進行討論,認為過去研究者在研究其中以覽爛稱之的女性負面形象時,多採取性別差異的角度,對歌仔冊的書寫位置與視線進行批判,普遍認為這種書寫或吟唱女性負面形象的策略,乃是男性藉以建構性別權力與身份的手段。然而,由於殖民地社會風氣開始發生轉變、兩性平權、戀愛自由、女性進入職場,與現代性資本主義打破了兩性等級關係等時代變因的多重影響下,由男性觀點書寫的歌仔中的「覽爛查某」形象,或許不啻可以積極的基進閱讀策略(radical reading),視歌仔冊中的女性形象為一種以消極、被動的方式爭取身體權力自主的文化象徵,在男性反時代的退步話語中,觀察出當時女性嘗試性別突圍的痕跡。
"In the middle of the Japanese colonial period in Taiwan (1920-1937), many civilization concepts were transmitted into the Taiwanese Colonial society. Due to basis of Confucianism, the notion of a patriachal society, also known as, Women ‘s Education, the Taiwanese society were forced to come to terms with making cultural changes. This 'pressure to change or quit' was not only critiqued in New Taiwanese Fiction Literature, but also adressed in the entertainment aspects of Taiwanese Folk Song (Koa-a) Pamphlets. In this passage, we discuss the 'lazy and disgusting' content in Taiwanese Folk Song Pamphlets, when these negative images of women in these songs were researched and critiqued, it was always considered in sexual context where men used the term to maintain patriachal power and identity. In conclusion, to due to the changes in Taiwanese Colonial Period, the social atmosphere of gender equality, free choice for marriage, women in the work place and Capitalism, broke the heirachy of gender roles. Perhaps we can learn through the radical reading strategy to re-read the images of 'lazy and disgusting women' created by men. To consider that they were the cultrurally significant in Taiwanese Folk Songs that had a positive juxtaposition in men's regression discourse through passiveaggressive behavior to try to fight for their gender power and self-determined rights."
起訖頁 173-205
關鍵詞 日治中期歌仔冊覽爛查某女性性別閱讀政治the mid-Japanese colonial periodTaiwanese Folk Song (Koa-a) Pamphletslazy and disgusting womenGender Politicpassive-aggressive behavior
刊名 文史臺灣學報  
期數 201306 (5期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學台灣文化研究所
該期刊-上一篇 在臺日人之基隆書寫──以《基隆港》收錄之日人漢詩為觀察場域
該期刊-下一篇 歷史記憶的現身與缺席:以二林事件中的蔗農組合幹部與蔗農為例




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