台灣教育研究期刊 Journal of Taiwan Education Studies |
202207 (3:4期)期所有篇 |
- 談偏遠地區國中小代理教師現象及其改善作為 The Phenomenon and Improvement of Elementary and Junior High Schools Substitute Teachers in Remote Areas
- 激發自主思維和創造力之方:兼論素養導向教學 A Transitional Possibility to Inspire Autonomous Thinking and Creativity: Also on Competency-Based Teaching and Learning
- 中部地區幼兒園家長對準公共化教育政策之瞭解與實施看法之調查研究 A Study of Preschool Parents' Understanding and Implementation Attitude toward Quasi-Public Education Policy
- 幼兒園關懷文化的建立:以教師班級經營策略為例 Understanding Preschool Teachers' Strategies of Creating Caring Culture in Their Classroom Management
- 幼兒保育系學生心理資本、生涯自我效能與生涯調適力之研究:以四所大專院校為例 A Study on Psychological Capital, Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy and Career Adapt-Ability among Childcare Major University Students
- 臺灣蒙特梭利幼兒園教保服務人員發展合宜實務的信念與實踐 Taiwan Montessori Preschool Teachers' Beliefs and Practices Regarding Developmentally Appropriate Practices
- 原住民族文化融入幼兒STEAM教學設計之探究 An Exploration of the Infusion of Indigenous Culture into the STEAM Instructional Design for Young Children
- 建構原住民族的明日學校:人才發展觀點 School of Tomorrow for Aboriginal Students: Talent Development Perspective
- 啟導深度學習的素養導向教學實踐:MAPS的個案研究 Facilitating Deeper Learning by Competence-oriented Teaching Practice: A Case Study of MAPS
- 運用放聲思考法提升非資訊領域學生程式設計跨域思維與實作學習遷移成效之探討 The Study of Applying the Thinking Aloud Approach to Improve Learning Transfer Effectiveness on Interdisciplinary Thinking and Implementation of Programming for the Non-computer Science Students
- 大專校院諮商心理師之生涯靭性、自我照顧、相對剝奪感、離職傾向之關聯研究 The Study of College Counselors' Turnover Intention in Taiwan
- 教師情境判斷測驗運用於師資培育:各國與臺灣經驗 Teachers' Situational Judgment Tests Applied in Teacher Education: Experiences in Taiwan and Other Countries
- 道德領導、領導部屬交換關係及教師組織公民行為關係之研究:領導部屬交換關係差異之組織效果分析 Contextual Effects of Leader-member Exchange Differentiation on the Relationships Among Ethical Leadership, Leader-member Exchange, and Teacher Organizational Civil Behaviors
- 美國新冠狀肺炎疫情對教育影響與政策作為 COVID-19 Impact on Education and Policy as a Result in America
- 2030雙語政策下高等教育推動全英文授課的幾項反思 Bilingual Nation by 2030? Some Reflections on EMI in Higher Education
- 行動研究的趨勢以及信實度考驗的策略 Trends in Action Research and Approaches to its Credibility